Mr MathWell

Need help in MATH or SCIENCE? Get AD-FREE help ANYTIME you NEED it! Right here on…! (Did I mention it was ad-free??)

Since 2015 I have been recording instructional videos and creating materials to help students through high school math and science classes. Over 2000 resources and videos are FREE of charge on this website. I have been teaching for 24 years in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.

I am continually adding videos and resources on the COURSES page for students, teachers and parents. Click the link to go directly to the list of COURSES

Each section and concept is organized and links prepared to help any student in any class find help from MR. MATHWELL!!

Mr. MathWell getting pommeled in the DODGEBALL GAUNTLET!

2023 Guatemala Trip


FUN Video! MathWell Tricks!

Here is the meme of the month!

See more on the MEME page


Mr. Maxwell has been teaching in Regina Saskatchewan Canada for 24 years as a Secondary Math and Science Teacher. He is a professionally accredited teacher in Calculus and Chemistry. Here’s the latest news from Mr. MathWell!


As we all travel this uncertain road of Teacher sanctions please know that your teachers will do everything they can to help you understand what you are meant to learn and that we’ll get through this together. Don’t give up! Keep watching Mr. Maxwell videos to stay up-to-date. God bless, Mr. M.

ZOOM tutorial Friday Feb 16, 2024 2-3pm

HI! If any of you want some math or science help on Friday Feb 16 from 2-3pm, feel free to join my ZOOM meeting! Open to all 😉 MR. MATHWELL is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Jeff Maxwell ZoomTime: 2-3PM CST, Feb 16/24 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 766 5733 7440Passcode: mrmathwell

Thursday Feb 8/24

STF Teacher Sanctions have been suspended so it is a normal school day Feb 8/24. Hopefully negotiations are fruitful and there will be no more interruption of our classes. God Bless – see you tomorrow, Mr. M
